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Antonella Zanoni


Hello there! This is Antonella, a Venetian born and raised travel and culture addicted tour guide and tour leader. When in Venice I don't offer only the factual information clients expect but also a cultural context that creates a more rewarding experience. I sense the kind of guest in front of me and adapt in no time delivering a tailor-made tour.

When I don't lead/guide I act as an active member of a theatre company. My passion for theatre is very useful for my profession as I never "lecture" my guests: I actually engage them.

When I don't act I write, obviously about travel!
I live in Venice since I landed here for university studies. Later, I never wanted to leave the city, which I love deep down, if not to travel the world, of which I feel a citizen.
I love my job because it allows me to combine passion for foreign languages and for this incredible city, with history, art, architecture, food (get ready for some gourmet tours!) and for theater which, as a matter of fact, in Venice is a long-time tradition.



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Antonella Zanoni
From: it
Member since: 05 May 2020

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