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Discover Cameroon Tours


Discover Cameroon Tours is a ground tour operator based at the foot of Mt Cameroon.
We are a quality oriented service organization of dedicated professionals with great skills in tourism. Our main goal is to help you have the best of Cameroon and Central Africa during your visit.

Because we are aware of the enormous potentials that Central Africa in general and Cameroon in particular have to offer to its visitors, and considering that most of these attractions are unknown to the general public. We want to make it easy for anyone willing to make the discovery, find out by themselve the untold/unseen parts of Cameroon and Central Africa.

Whether you are visiting Cameroon or Central Africa on business, eco-expedition or leisure, Discover Cameroon Tours is a ground tour operator based in Cameroon with activities in Central Africa. We provide hotel reservations, car rentals, city and inter-city tours, safari, bird-watch, dolphin-watch tours, trekking tours, etc.

With Discover Cameroon Tours, you will find a friendly and effective staff always ready to provide the most suitable suggestions for your project. In this web site, we are delighted to present our adventures tours for lovers of nature to some of Cameroon's most remote regions. Cameroon has a diversified and enormous tourism attractions, the reason why it's often referred to as "All of Africa in one country". It's an Eco-tourism destination. We offer guided visit to extraordinary places like the Waza and Benoué National Parks, the Limbe Botanical Garden, trekking up Mount Cameroon, etc. Every single day a visitor spends in Cameroon is full of great surprises.

Our tours packages are centered around one or more of the following themes: Eco-Expeditions, Cultural Diversity, Safari, City & Inter-City tours, Dolphins & Birds Watch, Mountain trekking, Lakes & Water Falls, Moutain, Museums, etc.

Please, take a look at our pre-defined tours and suggest any modification(s) you would like. You can also look at the Photos Gallery and tell us what you want to see. We will then build a safe, time and cost-effective tour for you.

In one sentence, we are here to make reality closest to your wildest dream.
Come tour your dreams with us!


+237 242746747

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Discover Cameroon Tours

Member since: 22 November 2019

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