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Bantu Pori Journeys Ltd.


Our journeys are crafted by a diverse family and team born-bred in Tanzania - Africa, who love the country and care to deliver the finest tour experiences from a native angle. This natural advantage allows us to introduce and differentiate to travelers with shared interests the wide-ranging realism of Tanzania both its people, spectacular beauty, the power of its unforgettable sense of wilderness and outback sovereignty.

Your Tanzanian dream holiday deserves all the careful planning, to us we take it as your MAJOR LIFETIME INVESTMENT. Therefore we aim to change your entire general outlook and provide enlightening memories that will remain with you for years, bringing you back to the “Cradle of Mankind”, where it all began.


Based in Moshi Town in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania, the gateway to Tanzania's famous national parks and home to the tallest Mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. Bantu Pori Journeys grew up out of the local community. Our highly personalized safaris and treks offer a unique window into the landscape, wildlife and culture of this extraordinary region.

"Bantu Pori" Means "People & Wilderness"

What is Bantu ?

BANTU is a general term for over 400 different ethnic groups in Africa, from Cameroon, Southern Africa to Central Africa, united by a common language family (the Bantu languages) and in many cases common customs. They migrated slowly (beginning about 1000 B.C.) To the East Africa plains and valleys.

THE BANTU, translated means “PEOPLE”

What is Pori ?

PORI is a swahili short form of a word "PORINI", which simply means




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Bantu Pori Journeys Ltd.
From: sw
Member since: 14 July 2020

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