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  • visit Kartarpur dera sahib and nankana sahib gurdwara Pakistan
    visit Kartarpur dera sahib and nankana sahib gurdwara Pakistan

visit Kartarpur dera sahib and nankana sahib gurdwara Pakistan

Contract price

  • For well detailed tour, please visit our link as we mentioned below, Please keep in mind the itinerary is amendable subject to your days and if you want to see more gurdwaras in Pakistan.

    Active Tours Pakistan - "Lets explore Incredible Pakistan together"
    GILGIT:: Rahimabad, Tehsil & District Gilgit
    Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

    ISLAMABAD (Liaison Office): House # 2208 Street # 33
    Phase-II, Farash Town, Islamabad, Pakistan
    Tel: +92-51-2329044
    Mob: +92-347-5730258, 345-5220246

    CANADA (Overseas): House # 147 LeValley Cove,
    Saskatoon, S7T OH6, Saskatchewan. Canada
    Tel: +1 306 270 4532

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  • Country tour Pakistan
    City of excursion Kartarpur, Sheikhpura punjab, pakistan, aminpura, sacha sauda, punja sahib gurdwara
    Languages spoken by the guide en English
    Duration of the tour 5-9
    Creation Date Wednesday, 27 November 2019
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