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  • Food and wine walking tour in Verona
  • Food and wine walking tour in Verona
  • Food and wine walking tour in Verona
    Food and wine walking tour in Verona
    Food and wine walking tour in Verona
    Food and wine walking tour in Verona

Food and wine walking tour in Verona

Starting at: $80

  • From the meeting point in Piazza Brà, in front of the majestic Arena, we walk through the historical centre of Verona passing by local food shops, the House of Juliet and Piazza Erbe.
    We then reach the most romantic area of the city: Via Sottoriva and Ponte Pietra. Here we stop for a short pic-nic with local specialities.
    Coming back to the old town we stop at Castelvecchio and make some pictures at Ponte degli Scaligeri.
    The tour will end in a local restaurant for a second rich tasting of local products.

  • Country tour Italy
    City of excursion VERONA
    Languages spoken by the guide en English | de German | it Italian | es Spanish
    Duration of the tour 4 hours
    Creation Date Thursday, 14 November 2019
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