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  • Amandla - Untold Stories
    Amandla - Untold Stories

Amandla - Untold Stories

Starting at: $93

  • South Africa’s soul is represented through her people – a long lineage of courageous explorers, fearless warriors, selfless clerics, ‘never say die’ freedom fighters and enigmatic peacekeepers. Since the Cape was first unwittingly discovered in 1488, battles have been fought, new frontiers discovered, unspeakable human suffering endured and the ultimate victory won in democracy. This beautiful land would not be what it is today without the legends who lay down their lives in sacrifice for it. It is these South African icons that the “Untold Stories” Day Tours serve to revere, while giving visitors the opportunity to literally experience history through an immersive walk back in time.

    Tour guides have been carefully selected to charismatically simulate the figures they have taken on as alter-egos. They have intimately studied and adopted every detail of their character, including their dialect, dress and life experience. From Walter Sisulu to Ruth First, guests have the opportunity to meet and engage with the characters, and to get answers to questions never before posed.

    Guests join their tour guide, in the character of Walter Sisulu, Ruth First or Elias Motsoaledi, on this story-telling journey through the streets of Johannesburg and Soweto. Learn about the country’s liberation and other unspoken stories, as experienced by the historic icon. Visit Mandela’s office (weekdays only), Liliesleaf Farm, the center point of Soweto, June 16 Memorial Acre, Hector Pieterson Memorial site, Vilakazi Street, Walter Sisulu Freedom Square and a street market. Guest will witness the success stories of an informal settlement community project, before visiting Maboneng precinct, Constitution Hill.

  • Country tour South Africa
    City of excursion Johannesburg
    Languages spoken by the guide en English
    Duration of the tour 9 hours
    Creation Date Wednesday, 06 May 2020
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