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  • Sunset and Dinner Cruise
  • Sunset and Dinner Cruise
  • Sunset and Dinner Cruise
  • Sunset and Dinner Cruise
  • Sunset and Dinner Cruise
    Sunset and Dinner Cruise
    Sunset and Dinner Cruise
    Sunset and Dinner Cruise
    Sunset and Dinner Cruise
    Sunset and Dinner Cruise

Sunset and Dinner Cruise

Starting at: $85

  • When the sunset begins, we invite you to join us on a short trip around Dubrovnik and Lokrum Island to enjoy Dinner on the 16th century Karaka ship, listen to ambiental music while sipping champagne on an authentic Dubrovnik-style experience that you can’t miss!

    Relax while sailing under a star-lit sky as the sun sets and the moon reflects on the Adriatic

  • Country tour Croatia
    City of excursion Dubrovnik
    Languages spoken by the guide en English
    Duration of the tour 2 h
    Creation Date Wednesday, 27 November 2019
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