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  • Solar Eclipse sorrounded by Nature
    Solar Eclipse sorrounded by Nature

Solar Eclipse sorrounded by Nature

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  • Join us for a 4 day itinerary, we leave from the city of Santiago on december 12th and we will start an adventure of a lifetime. We will have all the social distance and cleaning supplies for your comfort. We will be a small group for a very private and safe journey. We will be in the very heart of nature . Includes AIr Tickets Santiago-Valdivia-Santiago Full day tour 3 NTS loddging, breakfast included Tour Guide Fare in base of 2 people

  • Country tour Chile
    City of excursion Santiago
    Languages spoken by the guide en English | pt Portuguese | es Spanish
    Duration of the tour 4 days 3 nights
    Creation Date Sunday, 15 November 2020
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