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  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
  • Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal
    Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal

Scuba Diving Aliwal Shoal

Starting at: $1 200

  • On the South Coast of South Africa, is one of the world's best kept secrets. Rated in the top 10 by Jacques Cousteauof his "favourites" list, Aliwal should be on your bucket list. 

    Why Aliwal Shoal? 

    The reef here provides for every diver's joy. From open water divers to the most experienced technical divers, from explorers to photographers, Aliwal has everything from amphipods to Tiger Sharks. 

    Blue Ocean Dive Resort offers wreck diving, reef diving, shark diving, tek diving and even courses. With Hotel, restaurant and dive centre, all in one, you only need to worry about being on holiday, we'll do the rest. 

  • Country tour South Africa
    City of excursion Umkomaas
    Duration of the tour 9 nights
    Does customer need experience? Yes
    Minimum age (years) 18
    Languages spoken by the guide en English | af Afrikaans | es Spanish
    Creation Date Tuesday, 06 October 2020

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